Validate Performance Claims for Commercial and Residential HVACR Products with our Performance Testing Services
For independent performance verification, electrical safety testing, outsourced testing for overflow, witness testing, or chemical compatibility testing, Intertek has the expertise and solutions to get your HVACR products to market quicker.
Acoustical and Airflow Testing for HVACR Equipment
Verify your product meets acoustical and airflow performance requirements established by specifiers, buyers and regulatory authorities.
Energy Efficiency Testing for HVACR Equipment
Whether testing to energy efficiency standards or stringent program requirements, Intertek helps validate your energy efficiency claims, allowing you to certify your products with industry and consumer-recognized marks and labels.
Cyclic and Pressure Testing of Refrigerant Coils
Ensure compliance to the demanding and complex requirements of UL1995 on refrigerant coils Read more.
Quality and Performance Mark for HVACR Equipment
Intertek can help you demonstrate your commitment to quality with the Quality and Performance Mark for HVACR Equipment with independent unbiased performance testing.
Residential Baseboard and Commercial Finned Tube Testing
Intertek can assist with Product Development and by Testing your Residential Baseboard and Commercial Finned Tubes in a fully automated test process.
Program Testing for HVACR Equipment
No one has more experience testing to HVACR association requirements; we’ll provide the accurate testing data you need to obtain association certifications.
Air Cleaner Testing (Section 40 of the UL 867 Standard)
Intertek offers Air Cleaner Testing to UL 867 securing your products with California’s Air Resources Board (ARB) certification and getting you to market faster.
Knowledge Center
Flammable Refrigerants Testing: Refrigerant Detection Systems
ETL Certification Mark: HVAC/R Compliance to National Standards
HVAC Consulting Services with Intertek Assurance
UL 60335-2-40 Refrigerant Leak Detection Systems
Safety Certification Effective Dates for HVAC/R Equipment
Cybersecurity Certification for HVAC/R Equipment
Transitioning HVACR Equipment to UL/CSA 60335-2-40: Webinar | White Paper
EPA SNAP Rules and Certifying Appliances with Alternative Refrigerants
Guide to Flammable Refrigerant Mitigation
Scope of Intertek’s HVAC/R Capabilities | Poster
For more expert papers, recordings, and presentations, visit our HVACR Resources hub.