Compliance Evaluations and Declarations for Mandatory CE Marking

Intertek provides easy and cost-efficient ErP compliance evaluations and declarations for mandatory CE Marking of non-directional household lamps according to the Commission Regulation (EC) No 244/2009 of implementing Directive 2005/32/EC. The Implementing Measure for non-directional household lamp testing took effect on March 19th, 2009, and applies to incandescent, CFL and LED lamps. Any non-directional lamp sold into the EU must meet requirements of the ErP Directive.

Download the ErP Tip Sheet

Timeline and Requirements

Application DateBanned Products
September 2009Non-clear incandescent lamps + clear 100 watts incandescent lamps
September 2010Clear 75 watts incandescent lamps
September 2011Clear 60 watts incandescent lamps
September 2012Clear 40 watts incandescent lamps and clear 25 watts incandescent lamps
September 2013Stricter requirements on fluorescent lamps and LED lamps
September 2016Stricter requirements on halogen lamps
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