“REACH”-ing for Answers
13 Oct 2022
How Intertek can support you and your supply chain in navigating Turkish REACH
As a North American manufacturer or formulator, by now you've certainly noticed that it is becoming more and more difficult to import your products into a country without encountering some kind of Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)-like regulation. But did you know that one of the latest countries to jump on the REACH bandwagon is Türkiye? Since the Turkish REACH implementation in December of 2017, any Turkish company manufacturing or importing substances at 1 tonne or more has been required to complete pre-registrations. In the face of growing questions from your Turkish customers about your business' plans regarding Turkish REACH, you may be asking yourself, "What do I need to know?"
Why should you care about Turkish REACH?
Sure, you may not have any legal obligations to complete Turkish pre-registrations for the substances you are selling in Türkiye if you are a non-Turkish manufacturer or formulator. However, leaving REACH registration responsibilities up to your Turkish customers opens unnecessary risk—it requires you to disclose your confidential product compositions to your Turkish customers! As with EU REACH, Turkish REACH requires your Turkish customers to know the full composition of each of the finished mixtures they are importing. Moreover, your Turkish customers may begin seeking different suppliers who are able to offer them REACH coverage, should you choose to leave the REACH registration responsibilities to them.
The Only Representative (OR) Solution
You might be overwhelmed by all the obligations that come with importing into Türkiye. Taking on those obligations without support can be daunting and leaving them to your Turkish customers may jeopardize your products. Luckily, there is a third option. Appointing a Turkish "Only Representative" (OR) will absolve your Turkish customers of their regulatory requirements, which allows you to devote your time to your business and eliminates the worry of disclosing your confidential product compositions.
Rest easy… Intertek is here to help!
Navigating Turkish REACH regulations does not need to be stressful. With a legal entity residing in Türkiye, Intertek is positioned to act as an OR in Türkiye and offer regulatory services to assist foreign entities with their REACH registrations and responsibilities. To learn more about how we can support your business, visit: https://www.intertek.com/assuris/chemicals/regulatory/Turkish-REACH-KKDIK/.
Do you need assistance or have questions?
Do you have questions about this topic, your obligations in Türkiye, or any other topic?
Contact our experts at Intertek Assuris—we're here to help!

Claire Groves,
Associate I, Chemicals Group
Intertek Assuris
As part of the Global REACH Team, Claire's primary focus and role is assisting her North American clients in maintaining compliance with the REACH regulatory requirements in the EU, UK, Turkey, and India. Claire is involved in managing numerous clients' REACH programs, which includes disseminating and analyzing annual Only Representative (OR) reporting, creation of inquiry and joint registration dossiers using the IUCLID software, and other regulatory support to comply with REACH regulations across the globe. Claire attended McMaster University, where she received an H.B.Sc. in Biology.