If risk management (RM) is taken on your new substances, Intertek can support the Government consultations for the development of RM measures.

When a substance is suspected to be toxic or capable of becoming toxic under CEPA Section 64, risk management measures may be applied to minimize any risk to human health or the environment.  Risk management actions include:

  • Ministerial Condition
  • Ministerial Prohibitions (and any associated Regulations)
  • Ministerial Request for Additional Information (aka Prohibition Pending Testing) 
  • Significant New Activity (SNAc)

The majority of risk management actions require the extension of the notification assessment period to provide time to develop the risk management measure and obtain Ministerial approval.  The notifier will be advised that the assessment period will be extended by the same number of days as the original assessment period.   The notifier will be provided with the proposed text of the risk management measures to ensure they adequately reflect the stakeholders’ handling of the substance and effectively address the ultimate risk management goals of the program.

Intertek has the regulatory expertise and the practical industry experience to effectively represent the interests of the client and provide guidance on the implementation of the requirements of the risk management measure.

Intertek can assist clients with understanding the proposed risk management language and support clients during stakeholder consultation to ensure the risk management action best reflects the intentions of the program.  Once finalized, Intertek can support the development and implementation of the systems and procedures necessary to meet your obligations.

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