Exporting electrical/electronic products to Saudi Arabia now requires compliance to Health & Environmental regulations.
Regulatory authorities within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in an effort to enhance environmental conservation measures and to ensure public safety, have introduced mandatory controls on Electrical and Electronic Equipment being sold on the KSA market.
In January 2021, the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organisation (SASO) published the new technical regulation called “SASO RoHS” that identifies six substances with restriction levels similar to that of EU RoHS requirements. The SASO RoHS program mandates a conformity assessment and Certification process to IEC Standards as a means of supporting and meeting requirements of the regulation. The conformity assessment and Certification process is based on meeting IEC 63000 and requirements of the standard.
The substances include Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+), Cadmium (Cd), Polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDE), and Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB).
The new SASO RoHS technical regulation applies to all electrical and electronics equipment and spare parts for the following categories, and enforcement will be carried out in stages as mentioned below:
- Small scale household electrical appliances – 4th July 2022
- Large scale household electrical appliances – 2nd October 2022
- Information and telecommunication devices – 31st December 2022
- Lighting equipment – 31st March 2023
- Electrical and electronic tools and equipment – 29th June 2023
- Toys, entertainment and sports equipment – 27th September 2023
- Monitoring and control equipment – 26th December 2023
Intertek can begin testing and certifying G Mark Listed products on 1 February 2022 to help you meet the new enforcement dates above. Contact us today to get your products prepared for these new SASO market entry requirements.
Additionally, there are some product categories that are exempted from the SASO RoHS program, noted below. However, we strongly recommend conferring with an expert such as Intertek before assuming exemption as there may be components included in these final assemblies that do require compliance.
- All materials excluded from the application of Hazardous Material Limits include in Annex (1-A) of the SASO RoHS Technical Regulation
- Medical Equipment
- Military weapons and equipment
- Large-scale stationary industrial tools
- Large-scale fixed installations
Intertek is a SASO Notified Body and a partner to thousands of product manufacturers around the world, helping them gain compliance and ultimately market access to every country they wish to enter, including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Our experts are ready to assist you every step of the way, from training and education on the new requirements, to market access strategy, all the way through product evaluation and ultimately certification.