Intertek's ETL-EU mark provides manufacturers with 3rd-party proof of product safety. The certification will give the market truth and transparency, not typically found with CE Marking alone.

The ETL-EU mark is the new Mark of Truth in the European Union (EU). It is the first pan-European Union mark of its kind. The ETL-EU mark verifies that the product complies with applicable European Union (EU) standards and directives The ETL-EU mark is, in essence, a manufacturer’s Truth statement about the safety of their product, speaking directly to consumers, authorities and retailers.

Benefits of ETL-EU Mark 

  • Third party assurance: the product is certified by renowned certification body - Intertek
  • Meets the EU requirements at the highest standards of testing
  • The commitment to safety and quality assurance is a significant competitive advantage in the marketplace
  • Expedited verification process for authorities and customs officials via telephone Hotlines and searchable online directories

In conjunction with Intertek’s strong portfolio of local marks – ASTA Diamond Mark and BEAB Mark (UK), S Mark (Europe) and GS Mark (Germany) –manufacturers who sell products across North America and Europe can now access an unprecedented family of bundled certifications easily and cost-effectively.

Confidence in CE Marking is Eroding

It has been widely publicized that consumers, retailers and authorities’ confidence in CE Marking alone is eroding. Products that do not comply with European safety standards are being sold with CE Marks on them – leaving authorities, retailers, and consumers struggling to determine which products are truly safe.

More Than Just Another Mark

Intertek is supporting the ETL-EU by making it easy to recognize listed products:

  • Easy-to-use, easy-to-identify packaging labels clearly differentiate ETL-EU listed products from others in competitive retail environments
  • Dedicated Hotline Centers have been created to ease the verification process for authorities and consumers alike: 1-888-347-5478 (toll free) or + 1-607-758-6234.
  • ETL-EU listed products is shown in our online ETL-EU Mark Product Directory, easily searchable by authorities, retailers and consumers to validate a product’s independent safety certification.