Biodiesel raw material and feedstock testing.
Intertek tests the quality and suitability of raw feedstock materials for the production of biodiesel fuel. Using AOCS test methods, the biodiesel laboratories analyze edible oils, animal fats, recycled vegetable oils and other potential biodiesel feedstocks for contamination, byproducts, intermediate products and other factors that could impact engine performance.
AOCS test methods for fats, oil and grease quality help determe the quality of potential biodiesel production feedstocks.
AOCS biodiesel feedstock tests:
- Color (FAC) standard Cc 13a-43
- R&B color Cc 8d-55
- Fatty acid profile Ce 1h-05*
- Free fatty acids (FFA as OA) Ca 5a-40
- Iodine value (IV) Cd 1d-92
- Moisture Ca 2c-25, Ca 2b-38
- Unsaponifiable matter Ca 6a-40
- Insoluble impurities Ca 3a-46
- Peroxide value (PV) Cd 8b-90
- Polyethylene (PE) Ca 16-75
- Saponification value (SV) Cd 3-25
- Titer Cc 12-59