Standard: SFM 12-7A-3 – Materials and Construction Methods for Exterior Wildfire Exposure

Certification Required: Yes. The State Fire Marshal (SFM) 12-7A-3 is required in any and all jurisdictions that reference the Wildland Urban-Interface (WUI) Code as well as the California Referenced Standards Code. These are typically referenced in areas identified as high-risk areas for wildland fires near residential/commercial areas. With the increasing occurrences and scale of wildland fires, it is paramount for manufacturers to research where their products are being placed and the applicable codes of where their products are being applied/installed.

Scope: The test evaluates the fire-resistance performance of horizontal projection assemblies when exposed to a direct flame.

Applicable Products: Horizontal soffits of roof eaves, floor projections, and exposed underfloor areas

Test Procedure: Triplicate testing is required. The projection is installed above a noncombustible 4 ft. wide x 8 ft. high simulated wall assembly. a 12 in. wide x 12 in. long propane-fueled burner is placed at the base of the wall assembly is ignited and set to an output of 300 kW. The exposure is concluded when flame penetration of the eave occurs or 10-minutes. Observation continues for an additional 30-minutes if flame penetration does not occur.

Three requirements are to be met for all triplicate tests:

  1. Absence of flame penetration of the eaves or horizontal projection assembly at any time.
  2. Absence of structural failure of the eaves or horizontal projection subassembly at any time.
  3. Absence of sustained combustion of any kind at the conclusion of the 40-minute test.

End Result: Pass/Fail criteria

Intertek Testing Locations: York, PA


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