U.S.- EPA approved to regulate Perchloroethylene under the Toxic Substances Control

Vol. 1449 | 09 Jan 2025
EPA Finalizes Ban on Perchloroethylene (PCE)
On 18 Dec 2024, the USA Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a final rule to prohibit and restrict the manufacture (including import), processing, distribution in commerce, use, and disposal of perchloroethylene (CAS: 127–18–4) (PCE) of 40 CFR 751 Subpart G of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). This final rule shall take effect on 17 Jan 2025.
The manufacture, processing, and distribution of PCE for many uses are banned, with varied phase-out periods within three years of the final rule's publications. The final rule bans PCE uses in consumer products, commercial and industrial uses.
Perchloroethylene (PCE or perc) is a versatile chemical used in various applications, including consumer products like brake cleaners and adhesives, commercial dry cleaning, and industrial settings such as refrigerant production and petroleum refineries.
Phase-out dates specific to dry cleaning:
After June 16, 2025, all persons are prohibited from industrial or commercial use of PCE in dry cleaning machines acquired.
After December 20, 2027, all persons are prohibited from industrial or commercial use of PCE in dry cleaning and related spot cleaning in 3rd generation machines.
After December 19, 2034, all persons are prohibited from manufacturing (including importing), processing, distribution in commerce, or industrial or commercial use of PCE for dry cleaning and spot cleaning, including industrial and commercial use in dry cleaning and related spot cleaning in 4th and 5th generation machines.
Conditions of use without a phase-out may continue indefinitely provided affected companies develop and implement a Workplace Chemical Protection Program (WCPP). Additionally, the use of PCE in laboratories and energized electrical cleaners may continue, subject to specific workplace requirements.
Note: The prohibitions and restrictions do not apply to products containing PCE at thresholds less than 0.1 percent by weight.
Refer to the fact sheet published by the EPA for compliance dates related to prohibitions on manufacturing, processing, and distribution.
Other Requirements
A downstream notification requirement will apply beginning February 18, 2025, to anyone who ships PCE for any use. The notification must be made by inserting specific language into section 1(C) and 15 of the appropriate safety data sheets (SDSs). A recordkeeping requirement will also apply after February 18, 2025.