During BPI Europe Digital Week, an Intertek expert will be delivering a webinar session: Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing for Advanced Therapies.
Since the development of Sanger Sequencing in 1986, sequencing technologies have been revolutionizing biomedical research. Sequencing, mapping, and comparing the genomes of cells in healthy and diseased states can alter the way clinicians think about how to treat patients shifting from traditional medicine to a genome-based era of preventive and therapeutic decisions. There is also growing demand for using sequencing to evaluate the quality, safety, and efficacy of nucleic acid-based pharmaceutical products.
In this presentation, Dr. Steven Parker, NGS Expert from Intertek Pharmaceutical Services, discusses sequencing technology, sequencing workflow, the process of developing it for use in a regulatory research environment, and its potential customer applications.

BPI Europe Digital Week
Intertek Webinar: Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing for Advanced Therapies.
Speaker: Dr. Steven Parker, NGS Scientist, Intertek Pharmaceutical Services
Date/time: Thurs, 9 Dec, 2021, 11-12:00 CET/CEST


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