Time: 21:30 IST | 17:00 CET | 16:00 GMT | 12:00 EDT | 09:00 PDT


The Challenges of Developing Biologics for Respiratory Delivery & How Current Strategies for Dry Powder Formulation Can Provide Effective and Novel Solutions

Developing biologics for respiratory delivery presents a range of new challenges and  numerous factors need to combine to deliver a safe and efficacious drug product. The device, formulation, active substance, excipients and manufacturing processes all influence the performance, usability and functionality of the product and need careful consideration during development. During this webinar, DFE Pharma and Intertek will review key concepts and techniques in the formulation, design, and performance testing of the formulation of biologics for Dry Powder Inhalation. Topics will include stabilization of biologics and carrier-free particle engineering, as well as analytical approaches to characterise these products. 

Expert Speakers:  

Ross Blezard, Product and Application Specialist, DFE Pharma
Learn more about DFE Pharma DFE Pharma Privacy Policy 

Mark Parry, Technical Director, Intertek Pharmaceutical Service
Learn more about Intertek's Inhalation Drug Product Development Services


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