Oil analysis for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance.

Intertek Caleb Brett

Oil analysis testing labs analyze a wide range of oil based products. Supporting client oil condition and predictive maintenance programs, Intertek oil tests are performed to ASTM, ISO, IEC, IP, in-house, client, and other industry standards. Oil analysis is fast, efficient, and cost-effective.

Intertek's global network of oil analysis laboratories tests lubricants ranging from the support of OEM and operator equipment condition monitoring programs, small-batches and even single samples. Oil analysis capabilities include routine and non-routine testing, troubleshooting, R&D, contamination detection, and detailed chemical trace analysis. Shipment of the samples for testing to the appropriate laboratory can be easily arranged as and when required.

Oil analysis laboratory services:

Caleb Brett Cargo Inspection & Analytical Assessment Services

Unlock enhanced quality control, minimize losses, and reduce financial risks with our diverse range of services. Explore our offerings further by downloading our informative brochure.

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