United Arab Emirates petroleum and chemical testing and inspection.

Intertek Caleb Brett

Intertek United Arab Emirates (UAE) provides petroleum and chemical testing and inspection services, supporting the region's energy, manufacturing and petrochemical industries. The UAE laboratories serve clients in The Gulf and the Middle East Region. Products tested and inspected include petroleum, chemicals, and other materials.

Intertek UAE supports refineries, plants, pipelines, terminals, tankers and other operations. Petroleum, natural gas products. crude oil, petroleum refined products, LNG, LPG, chemicals and asphalt are among the products Intertek UAE inspects and tests. Intertek UAE staff provide key expertise and services for corrosion control and asset integrity management.

UAE petroleum and chemical testing:

Petroleum, LNG and chemical bulk cargo inspection:

ShipCare Maritime services:

Corrosion and asset integrity management in the UAE:

Intertek laboratory and office locations in the United Arab Emirates include operations in Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and Fujairah, with on-site services available throughout the UAE and the region.

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