Thailand petroleum, fuel, and chemical testing and inspection.

Intertek Caleb Brett

Intertek Thailand provides 24/7 testing and cargo inspection services for the petroleum and chemical industries. Technical services support the oil & gas refining, transportation, storage, and exploration and production industry in Thailand, and the region. Intertek Thailand is part of the international Intertek laboratory and technical services network, providing a wide range of testing, inspection and process services to Thai energy and chemical customers. Global industry standards, including ASTM, ISO, and IFIA, are followed.

Petroleum testing and inspection:

Chemical testing and inspection:

Environmental testing:

Lubricants and fluids testing:

Thailand laboratory and office locations:

  • Bangkok, Bangna
  • Hatyai
  • Rayong

Caleb Brett Cargo Inspection & Analytical Assessment Services

Unlock enhanced quality control, minimize losses, and reduce financial risks with our diverse range of services. Explore our offerings further by downloading our informative brochure.

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